Silent Stride

In high contrast, the shadows dance and play, As stocking-clad feet tread the wooden floor, Towards the camera, on the balls they sway, A silent stride, each step a whispered lore.

The grainy wood, with deep shadows imbued, Bears witness to the journey they pursue, In black and white, the scene is etched, construed, A timeless tale, both simple and true.

With every step, they leave a mark behind, A fleeting imprint on the path they roam, In silence, their intentions are defined, Their destination known, yet still unknown.

Oh, stocking-clad feet, in shadows' embrace, Your silent strides reveal a hidden grace.

Silent Stride

In Silent Stride, we observe two feet in motion, captured in a high-contrast photo that plays with light and dark to emphasize their silent journey.

The accompanying sonnet strips back to basics, focusing on the simplicity of the steps and the deep impressions left behind. It’s an image and a sonnet that celebrate the silent grace of movement and the profound stories told by simple, everyday motions.

After contemplating the subtle power of movement in 'Silent Stride,' let us shift our gaze to 'Contrast in Velvet,' where the interplay between bare skin and the sheen of stockings offers a new perspective on beauty and contrast.


Seduction in Sheer


Whispers in Sheer